Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa
Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa

Coming soon

Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa (1979) Is a Belgian/Rwandan International Relations scholar of epistemic Blackness and anticolonial solidarity. She is senior Lecturer in International (Development) Studies at the University of Portsmouth (UK) and Senior Research Fellow at the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (SA). In September 2021 she joins the Department of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) as Assistant Professor in Human Rights and Politics. She is the former Africa desk editor and journalist at the Brussels based magazine MO*.
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︎ @o_rutazibwa
︎ oliviarutazibwa.com
︎ @oliviarutazibwa
︎ @o_rutazibwa
︎ oliviarutazibwa.com